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At SYJ we love a homegrown workshop where we put together unique and informative learning opportunities meant to help you dive deep into the yoga that interests you. We have workshops for everyone, whether you’re new to yoga or looking to advance your practice.

Our teachers are incredibly knowledgeable, and when we come together in a workshop format you get a full-on immersion into technique and approach. Part of SYJ’s mission is to keep the yoga fresh, and as teachers, we love learning and sharing what we think is the most interesting yoga out there.

To enroll in a workshop or training, email or call (203) 838-2725.


Asana Lab: Inversions with Renée Wellman

Saturday, January 25 | 1-3PM

Cost: $35

Purchase and sign up in the SYJ app or online.

Meditation With Vicky Cook

Tuesday, Feb 4 | 7:30 – 8:15 pm

Cost: $15 for non-members. Included in all SYJ memberships.

Come join us to connect to your inner light and sip from the fountain of your true BEING.

  • Included with all SYJ memberships.
  • SYJ Members: sign up within the class booking app
  • Non-Members: call 203.838.2725 or email


Reiki Sessions With Reiki Master Vicky Cook

Fridays | 1:00, 2:15, 3:30 pm

Reiki is a gentle and powerful system of energy-based healing and spiritual growth practices created by Mikao Usui in the early 1920’s. Reiki is a Japanese term for the concept of “universal life force energy.” Practitioners of Reiki utilize meditation and non-invasive light touch to restore harmony and balance to oneself and others. Sessions are one hour long and take place at the SYJ studio in South Norwalk.

  • Call 203.838.2725 or email for pricing and to book.