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Community Archives

Meet Your Teacher: Sarah Huntington

  Sarah Huntington leads our 6 p.m. yogis in-studio and online every Tuesday and Thursday. Her classes are thoughtful, deep, …

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SYJ Yogis: Diane Cunningham

Diane is a longtime member of the Saraswati’s Yoga Joint family who practices with us from her home in Texas. …

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How Will We Live Moving Forward?

“Human beings are creatures of belonging, though they may come to that sense of belonging only through long periods of …

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Meet Your Teacher: Liz Lowe

  Liz Lowe has been teaching at SYJ since the start. Her classes will challenge you physically, make you laugh, …

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SYJ Yogis: Sherri Brooks Vinton

“I like the idea that I can roll out my mat anytime, anywhere, and that becomes my little special space.” …

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Meet Your Teacher: Ashly Sommer

  Ashly Sommer is a personal trainer, holistic nutrition coach, mom, and valuable member of the Saraswati’s Yoga Joint teaching …

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